Happy Thursday! Does anyone else feel that this week has been dragging or is it just me?! If you watched my Instagram stories this morning you would have seen I experienced something I never have before, and it really made me think.
On cold mornings I typically order a Chai Tea Latte from Starbucks on the mobile device app and by the time I get there it is waiting for me. Well, this morning I noticed that my chai latte was sitting in front of someone already. I politely asked in a funny tone if her name was Mika as well, because what would the odds be? She didn’t respond to me… and everyone at this point was paying attention. She continued to eat her muffin and not respond to me. I then asked again if that was her coffee and she just looked at me.
I eventually just grabbed it and was like well I am pretty sure it is mine… and she responded with a sassy tone while eating her muffin “okay.” I am all for giving around this time of the season matter of fact any season! But when you are rude and “stealing” come on.
Now looking back I wish I would have maybe approached the situation differently and just gave it to her. It is a coffee, something I can get when I get to work or I don’t even need. Maybe she needed it?!
Sometimes it takes me time to reflect on situations and being salty about the situation I think is okay to a degree, but I stepped back and then thought of every case and why that happened to me this morning. We focus on little things more than we maybe should, and instead of me being obsessive about the whole scenario I just need to brush it off.
I mean my heart is breaking for all the people in California losing there belongings and houses, and here I am focusing on a damn latte.
One thing to take away from today’s post is to be thankful for the little things. Don’t obsess over things you cannot change. Choose happiness, it will take you far. And pray for those all over the world facing a difficult time.
I hope you all have a great Thursday.
This sweater is currently under $15! SAY WHATTT?!
Photos by the lovely Shanley Cox
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