I am so over spending $$$$ at Starbucks. Don’t get me wrong I love a good opportunity to take a picture with my Starbucks cup but shoot… a girls gotta budget and that means cutting daily spending at Starbucks.
Andrew recently got us a espresso machine… which has saved my butt! But I still was missing my Chai Tea lattes that I would get from Starbucks. I finally found out how they make it and you can buy all the ingredients at Target?! SAYY WHAT!
You can make a Starbucks Copy Cat Chai Tea Latte is 4 easy steps!
Step 1: Put your desired amount of ice in your choice of cup, I use our mason jars when I am home and then a to go plastic cup when I am on the go.
Step 2: Fill the cup up half way with the Chai mix.
Step 3: Fill the remaining cup up with your choice of milk. I prefer Vanilla Almond Milk.
Step 4: Stir it all together and there you go! That simple 🙂
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